Only thing is they cant cook, guess just stick to my mum for that. lol |
The Ant Works concept was developed by NASA back in the heyday of the US space programme. Their idea was to take a colony of ants into space so the astronauts could study the insects' behaviour in zero gravity. Why, we hear you ask? Well, we guess they had to study something as they hurtled around planet earth. Anyway, NASA's loss is our gain because the amazing jelly-like habitat they invented is now available to support ant life here on earth. Or more specifically, on your desk, bedside or kitchen table.
The Ant Works is filled with a highly nutritious non-toxic gel into which you prod four little holes to get the tunnel network started. Now get out into the garden or park and catch about 15 ants to populate the colony. Put them in the Ant Works, replace the lid... and watch. Within days the ants will burrow out an amazing pattern of channels, each clearly visible in cross-section through the walls of the container. Maintenance is minimal. Besides providing a safe ecologically-correct habitat, the gel also provides the ants' food. You simply need to open the lid for a moment once a month to aerate the interior. |

I so want one of these |
Being the coolest person on the beach used to involve carrying a surf board, having a body to die for, and a tan that would make you look like a sultana by the time you were 50. Now with the all new Hov Pod ACX 52, all that coolth can be yours without the beautiful bod, you just need a fat wad of cash. Jet Skis (that should come with the word 'plonker' stencilled on them) and motor boats, are just so yesterday - and of course so restricted to water, the Hov Pod will go wherever you want to take it. Power down the beach, skim into the water, shoot over wetlands and marshes, up river estuaries, or even down the high street if you fancy a hefty fine and a few nights at Her Majesty's pleasure. No other vehicle has the versatility of a hovercraft, and this one is so delectably neat.
Powered by a two cylinder 2-Stroke 625cc engine, it'll reach speeds of between 40-45mph, and can carry a payload of 250kilos (i.e. about three adults). A full tank will give you about 2 hours at cruise speed, and it's as economical to run as a 50HP 2-stroke boat engine. Now you can nip to secluded beaches, and indeed onto them, with ease - hey how excellent would this be hanging off the back of your yacht! Now mariners need never be slaves to the tides, and imagine if you lived somewhere icy - going over iced lakes in this would be like dying and going to heaven (albeit a very cold one).
So you now can stop doing press-ups and lying under a sunlamp - for a smidge under 15,000 you'll have all the pulling power you need.

Best thing i ever brought, i love it, go's every were with me
Imagine a business card. Now make it thick enough to take a standard headphones jack... and that's it! Let it sink in that this diminutive device holds up to 500 songs (
)which is nearly fifty full-length CD's worth, and it has all the features you would expect from an iPod. Astonishingly good sound, a full colour screen (and storage for 25,000 pictures), easy access to your music with the "Click Wheel", Podcasts, audio books, full integration with iTunes, Calendar and Contacts, World Clocks, Stopwatch, Games and loads more. We're not even mentioning all the standard MP3 player features like the equalizer, shuffle play mode, the ability to create play lists and rate your tunes on the fly (although it seems we just did). And it is fully compatible with most of the iPod accessories out there.
Thinner than a catwalk model, marginally more fashionable and with considerably more features, the iPod Nano isn't just any old MP3 player, it's The Supermodel. |
This 1/20-scale wonder takes all the excitement of monster truck madness right out of the arena and puts it in the palm of your hand. The HobbyZone Mini Mauler comes completely assembled and ready to drive with a sharp painted, polycarbonate body decked out with pre-applied decals. It also sports big over-sized rubber tires that can tackle any terrain. Like "big" RC trucks, the Mini Mauler is equipped with a sophisticated, fully proportional radio control system, electronic speed control and working suspension. You can even boost its performance like a bigger RC truck with rechargeable Ni-MH battery packs, ball bearings and motor upgrades. For highflying, ground-pounding monster truck action you can enjoy anytime, anywhere - nothing can touch the Mini Mauler.
The mighty 180 electric motor provides plenty of power for scrambling over tough terrain and lots of speed on the flats. This power is channelled through a very heavy duty rear differential that delivers solid traction on just about any type of surface. The all-in-one ESC/Receiver provides fully proportional steering and throttle response for precise control on any terrain at any speed, and it's connected to a powerful steering servo that comes with replacement gears for easy maintenance. It comes with a mini jump ramp, oversized tires and fully-functioning suspension, and it drives like an absolute dream.

I have one of these, its quite cool
The original Robosapien was invented by NASA scientist, Mark Tilden who worked on the robot that went to Mars. Whether this is good for us, or very bad for Mars, it's too early to tell. Nevertheless, Robosapien took the world (if not Mars) by storm, and now the next generation Robosapien V2 has arrived. He's bigger, brighter & faster. Pumped up on android steroids, Robosapien V2 is a mighty 2ft (60cm) tall and towers over his earliest incarnation, but of course not only is he butcher (not a real butcher, it would be inadvisable to let him lose with sharp objects), he's had a massive brain implant. He now has a multi-sensory, interactive humanoid personality, and is now capable of autonomous behaviour - reacting to things he sees, sounds he hears, (as well as people and objects), which is a lot more interaction than you get from some people round here. So he's big, and he's clever, but what we really love about the big lunk is his newfound agility.
Version 1 was very 'B' Movie robotic, but Robosapien V2 is like a yoga instructor (sort of) in comparison. He can bend down, sit and lie down, get up (this is really a very clever first in robotics), wave his arms around, and his hands even have articulated fingers and precision gripping - way cool. Not only is he agile, he's also programmed to avoids obstacles and table edges, and he can even track moving objects!
As well as reacting to your voice, being able to follow an object and pick it up (here Fido!), moving around like a proper robot (he puts 3PO's waddling about to shame) and having a two axis turning head and animated LED eyes, he also reacts with other Robonetics, like the Robopet and Roboraptor. All in all Robosapien V2 is king of the robots, and the most gargantuan leap forward in Robotic technology imaginable. |
This stunningly designed piece of kit, that looks not a little unlike the piston head from some kind of sexy super-car, hides a brilliant (quite literally) lighting display system. A cluster of powerful LEDs and a laser are embedded in the aluminium body of the light, and shine up through a revolving multi-faced crystal that splits and fractures the light sources into a galaxy of ever changing effects.
The Laserpod comes with two glass domes (as pictured) and an extra diffusion plate, each element creating different but equally mesmerising lighting effects that are both mellow and yet decidedly funky. With the diffuser in place, the Laserpod is a meditative ambient lamp; remove the diffuser and the effects can be projected onto a wall or across an entire room. The Laserpod is set to be the 21st century answer to the lava lamp, only stratospherically cooler. |
The retro rocket (come to think of it, don't rockets actually have retros?) that's also a funky mood light and an alarm clock. The Aurora Rocket Clock is the latest development from the people who brought us the remarkably popular Mood Clock.
Standing 26cm high on its rocket fins, the clock glows a different colour for every hour through a 12hr period. You can choose to have it always on so it phases gently through the colours on the hour, have the light off, or set it to demo mode where it will scroll softly through all the colours. Set the alarm, and when it goes off you'll get a beep and the flashing colour of whatever the hour is.
It's a clock, a light and piece of retro chic, and something to make mornings just that little bit brighter. |

Awwwwww ickle cutie duckies
Are these cute or what! The Glow in the Duck (ah ha ha) is the first of its kind - excluding the ones in the pond at Sellafield, presumably. The moment these great little ducks hit the water they're activated, and begin to gently faze between colours.
Bath time has never been such fun, and lying back in a mixture of candlelight, and the all new experience 'ducklight', is a true joy. The batteries are non-replaceable as they're in a sealed unit inside the duck, but they'll last for at least 90 half-hour baths - which is a heck of a lot longer than a bottle of £6.99 bubble bath, and a whole heap more fun. |
A far-out gift! Given today's property prices, it's always wise to be on the lookout for up-and-coming new areas. And, funnily enough, in 1980, a forward-looking American called Dennis M. Hope staked a claim of ownership to the whole of manly Mars, girly Venus and all the other planets in our solar system. Since, just like in the days of the old Wild West, there was nobody to argue with him, he is now in a position to sell them off in one-acre portions to far-sighted property investors such as yourself. We would make no outlandish claims as to how your proof of ownership would stand up in an intergalactic court and, we'll be straight about this, the commuting is currently terrible, but can there be a more romantic gift than land? Be assured that no one will be allocated the same acre, so when it's gone it's gone. |
We're going to keep this description brief (boom boom). With around 330 fruit-flavoured candy pieces, this sweet and sexy g-string is the perfect after dinner pudding for weight watchers, and those not wedded to huge pairs of pants.
There is so much we could say about these (like it explains why all the girls in the office are sitting rather oddly at the moment), but it's probably best to leave it all to your imagination. We never imagined that we'd be selling g-strings on IWOOT, but these has proved to be so massively popular, it's evident the nation has a sweet tooth... or something. |
The very first true 'gadget', the Swiss Army Penknife, is back, and it just got 21st Centuried! Launched at CeBIT just last month, we're the first to lay our hands on this wondrous USB tool.
Key drives are the best, if not only, way to transport your files around, be they digital photos, MP3s or vital documents, but until now they've been a bit dull. The SWISSMEMORYUSB Victorinox puts paid to all that. It's totally plug 'n play, has SecureLOCK software to encrypt your data for the paranoid and, of course, looks seriously cool. It's got an integrated ballpoint pen for notes (ahhh, remember handwriting? Well, there had to be something nostalgic about it), a laser-like LED, and what Swiss Army Knife would be complete without a knife, a pair of scissors and a file?
The USB simply plugs into your PC, Mac or laptop, and then you just drag and drop your files - after you've spent valuable time cutting and filing your nails of course. Get tooled up. Oh, and don't forget - do not take this gadget on a plane as it will be confiscated. Because let's be practical here, if you're planning a hijack, a very small pair of scissors would of course be your first weapon of choice. Though you'd have thought airline food was a lot more dangerous. |

Bring a tropical island paradise to your back garden with the Desert Island Hammock
Who hasn't dreamt of kicking back on a tropical island paradise? Paradise is of course never quite what it's cracked up to be, and what with snakes, bugs, and the worst irritation of all, other tourists, it can be hard to find true paradise. So we found the perfect solution - if home is where the heart is, why not bring paradise there? For less than a flash fortnight's stay in the Maldives for two, you can have your very own paradise in your back garden.
The Desert Island Hammock is an utterly ludicrous and totally sublime complete paradise solution. Two artificial palm trees (over 2 metres high and UV protected) complete with very realistic Tahitian palm fronds and coconuts support a triple woven polyester double hammock. Both the hammock and the palm trees are built to withstand all weather conditions (except perhaps typhoons), and not only does the hammock come with a rope drink caddy and pillow, the palm trees come with an integrated dual-control mist mechanism for keeping you cool on hot summer days.
There was a time in the dim and distant past when central locking for your car was the height of cool technology. Well, now it's pretty standard, so some clever dick has come up with the ultimate in super-cool security for your computer that works in a similar, but more automatic way.
Central Locking for your PC is the latest 'must-have' security device for anybody who doesn't want other people prying into their computer. Simply plug the USB dongle into your USB port, and whenever you move more than about two metres away from your computer (whilst carrying your 'remote' clicker), your computer automatically locks itself! When you get back to within two metres of your computer it unlocks again. Now you need never worry again that someone could be rootling about in your computer when you're away from your desk. You never have to remember to 'log out' again - it's fully automatic. And if you forget your clicker (because you left it in the kitchen while you were making coffee for instance) you can get back in using a password. |

The perfect accessory to our unbelievably popular Candy G-String is the new Candy Bra. Sweetness itself, the bra fits all sizes - the ties are very long and knot easily - just nibble off the sweets you don't need. Like the G-String, it's made of around 330 fruit-flavoured candy pieces, and at just 40 calories, this sweet and sexy Candy Bra is the perfect after dinner pudding for weight watchers - or people who think underwear should be good enough to eat. 'Hello Boys' may have worked in the 90s, but 'Eat my Bra', whilst a tad more forward, has to be a lot funnier. And - well, we're guessing here, but we'd estimate the success rate being oh, say, in the 100% area. |

Making a symbolic gesture never fails to impress, but if it's just the last chocolate in the packet, then it won't impress for very long. This version of 'The Last Rolo' however is considerably more likely to produce a smile, a kiss, and who knows, maybe even a long lasting relationship (well a date at any rate). Encased in this charming little red box is a beautifully well made replica Rolo in hallmarked Sterling Silver - now that really is a romantic gesture. |

Imagine the fun ;)
Simple to fly, this sporty little number attains jet speeds and has the added attraction of BRI rocket assisted ejection seats for getting rid of annoying back seat drivers. The cockpit is fully air-conditioned as standard and the windscreen is anti-iced for those cold morning starts.
Though its speed from 0-60 is not phenomenal, it'll get you to 16,400 feet in under five minutes, which puts paid to your commuting nightmares (though landing in heavily built-up areas is not advised). For a really good view the L39 can climb up to 36,000 feet. It holds 276 gallons / 1,225 litres of fuel, has a flying time of about two and half hours and a max speed of 435mph. So in top gear you'll get about four miles to the gallon, which doesn't stack up much against your standard saloon for economy, but hey, it's a fighter jet.
The L39 comes painted to your own specification (we advise against Iraqi military colours if flying around the home counties), and with western radios installed - so great for Dolly Parton fans. Any extra avionics would be fitted as extra and all military ordnance would be removed - so no guns, unfortunately. |
I so wanna do this so anyone wanna buy me a pressie then feel free.
This is as close as it gets to seeing what an astronaut sees as they look back at our lonely little planet from the vast emptiness of space. This has to be the ultimate combination of adrenaline rush and spiritual high, flying at Mach 2.5, 25 kilometres into the upper atmosphere (where you'll be above 99% of it, by the way), in a MiG-25 Foxbat with over 1000km of horizon before (or actually beneath) you.
It may not be cheap, but it's very clever. Your trip includes 2 nights in a luxury hotel in Moscow, VIP customs and immigration clearance, a custom made leather flight jacket, flight certificate, a photo with the jet and pilot on the runway, private English speaking guides, and an experience that will change you forever. |